Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Aabhas, review, PIFF2015

Aabhas is such a powerful, excellent, dark work; it’s oozing and festering horror. It should have been played in the main theatre of PIFF, City Pride Kothrud for more audience to experience it. It’s the story of a writer’s encounter with the supernatural and tantric in a village close to his workplace. He is signing copies of his latest book, when an old man comes up to him, and asks for his help to save his daughter in a nearby village. The film opens up with mantras to invoke Goddess Kali, with the bellowing of drums. Three macabre incidents are shown in flashes; a lady running in front of a car, a man drowning, burning of bride and bride-groom together. This film is a quality horror film that I have seen in last couple of years. The technique employed by the camera man, reminded me of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Birds’. The pauses taken before the next scene is brilliant, without revealing the plot, you cannot predict the next scene. The script writer should also be applauded for creating lots of tension and choices in the story. The plot reminded me of the John McNaughton film “Wild Things”. As the writer is driving by, a girl comes running his way and the car hits a tree. While he is looking for help, a man carrying water suddenly appears, looking for his kid. The technique used to make the man appear is amazing. There is no drag or loss of suspense and thrill. As he is talking to the man, the man keeps asking how the accident happened, creating an environment of horror for the writer. Suddenly, the car horn blares, and both of them move to the car, only to find the kid giggling inside. The cameraman has not shown any kid trying to sneak in or any other technique to suggest it happening. But the kid suddenly appears, as if through thin air, and it’s so natural; amazing creation of horror. The man takes the writer to his family to get help to pull the car out. The family is preparing for the daughter’s wedding. The man who had met the writer at the book launch is possessed by an evil spirit. He does all to prevent the wedding: strangling the groom, pushing him in the well and dancing inside a circle of fire. The performance of every actor is outstanding: the head of the family, daughter, the helps. It was tuned to both horror and humorous roles. The location where the movie is shot is also one of the good points of the film. The location is apt and the camerawork gave a horror look without brimming towards humor. A scene where the lady is walking on the roof is so well shot!!! Also the use of near-inverted shots, partial shots is so well done. Do watch this film, directed-written by Gajanan Kulkarni, starring Ankush Choudhari.

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