Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Bear, Anton Chekhov, a review

When it’s a Chekhovian play, you naturally mix up titles and plots; genius that he was in dealing with relationships. The drama lovers in Pune got another chance to enjoy the Russian playwright’s work. This was my second watching of the play in Pune. I mixed up the stories of the two plays, ” The Bear” and ” The Proposal”. When the play started today, a few seconds told me that it was ” The Bear” being performed. The artists at Orange Reason are doing something splendiferously right, because I experience the same fluidity in their skills as performers since the last time. I really liked the costumes of the artists. It’s like the blend of a Russian setting and an Indian milieu. Professionals slip into their skin at every moment on stage and create anew. Technology which seeks to aid the dramatic performance, like times fails but the artists did a good job today, to harmonise the blaring speaker and the weird mics.Finesse of the trio is surely visible. Also the right amount of balance. It’s sheer joy to watch something you have read in your school textbooks live. Thanks to Orange Reason to bring up such a work!

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